
client-side syntax highlighting for a number of languages.

NOTE: All languages listed here have working language definitions, though not all exist in the release or dojo subversion. The missing packs are not publically available. based on


Some Python code:

def somefunc(param1, param2):
  '''A docstring'''
  if param1 > param2: # interesting
    print 'Gre\'ater'
    print ''
  return param2 - param1 + 1
class SomeClass:

A chunk of PHP:

$opAr = array (    "-a|--append", // a or append toggle, nothing extra
        "-i|--input:", // i or input with next input being needed
        "-l|--list:",           // l with input needed
		//"--foo",     // broken
        "-f:",           // f with no input
        "--wot:"      // wot with input, no short

$op = bgetop($opAr);
if (is_array($op)) { print_r($op); }

/* here is the code: */

function bgetop($opAr=array(),$unknown=true) {

$argv = $_SERVER['argv'];
$argc = $_SERVER['argc'];
$argPos = 1; // zero is program running

// foreach arg
while ($argPos<$argc) {
    $arg = $argv[$argPos];
    if ($arg{0}=="-") {
        if ($arg{1}=="-") {
        $var = substr($arg,2,strlen($arg));
        } else { $var = $arg{1}; }
        foreach ($opAr as $opk => $opv) {
            if (!isset($return[$var])) {
            if (strpos($opv,$arg) !== FALSE) {
                // this is where the -f -foo fix needs to be,
                // the partial string exists in this record,
                // but we need to determine if it's accurate
                // somehow (i'm thinking: eregi?)
                if ($accurate=1) {
                    // we foudn the key
                    if (strpos($opv,':') !== FALSE) {
                        // next value is the one to use,
                        // then skip it in the parser.
                        if (isset($argv[$argPos+1])) {
                            $return[$var] = $argv[++$argPos];
                            } else {
                            $return[$var] = FALSE;     
                        } else {
                        // just set the toggle
                        $return[$var] = TRUE;
                    // don't check this opAr value again
                } // if accurate
            } // !isset already
            } // foreach opAr    
    } else { // we weren't expecting a non-hyphened argument, possibly just a filename, or whatnot
        if ($unknown) { $return['unknown'][]=$arg; }
} // while argPos < argc

if (is_array($return)) {
return $return;
} else { return 0; }

} // end function bgetop

A custom XML document:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response value="ok">
  CDATA is <not> magical. 

Some HTML code:

  <p class="something">Something</p>
  <p class=something>Something</p>
  <!-- comment -->
  <p class>Something</p>
  <p class="something" title="p">Something</p>

HTML with Django templates:

{% if articles|length %}
{% for article in articles %}

{# Striped table #}
<tr class="{% cycle odd,even %}">
  <td>{{ article|default:"Hi... "|escape }}</td>
  <td>{{|date:"d.m.Y" }}</td>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}

{% comment %}
Comments may be long and
{% endcomment %}

Some CSS code:

html {
  font: Tahoma, Arial, san-serif;

#content {
  width: 100%; /* css comment */
  height: 100%

p[lang=ru] {
  color: red;

Explicit Python highlight:

for x in [1, 2, 3]:

Disabled highlighting:

<div id="contents">
  <p>Hello, World!

Normal dojo-looking code

	param: "value",
	_myMethod: function(/* Event */e){
	// comments
	_another: function(){
	// comments with <HTML> inline
	var d = dojo;
		foo: function(e){;
		bar: function(e){

Lazy, xhr'd code:

Text with inlined JavaScript code: dojo.forEach(a, function(x){ console.log(x); }); — that was the inlined sample.

Markuped code (python), no language was specified:

def somefunc(param1, param2):
  '''A docstring'''
  if param1 > param2: # interesting
    print 'Gre\'ater'
    print ''
  return param2 - param1 + 1
class SomeClass:

Markuped code, "python" was specified:

def somefunc(param1, param2):
  '''A docstring'''
  if param1 > param2: # interesting
    print 'Gre\'ater'
    print ''
  return param2 - param1 + 1
class SomeClass: